Friday 2 October 2009

The history of the internet

In the evening of october 4 of 1957 the US president, Dwight eisenhower, thought that his nation was the greatest of the world, but then some news arrived to USA and it shocked America's believe in itself, because the Russian arrived to the space.
That was the time of the Cold War. The Soviet Union was the greatest enemy of the USA. There was always the risk of a very destructive war but the Cold didn't consist on armies and weapons.
The war was of technology and ideas. Because the 2 sides presented ther successes in science and technology of proof that their political system was better than the other side's.
The Americans were very worried and they didn't know what to do, so Eisenhower ordened the creation of a departament with the best scientists of the USA to put together all their high technology efforts and investigations. They do (didn't knowing it) the first step to: The Internet.

On January 7 of 1958 President Einsenhower announced the creation of the Arpa organization, that could control all the govern hightechnology network.
ARPA spend milions of dollars on research into new science and technology.

WWW= World Wide Web:

In Switzerland, near Geneva, we can find the CERN.
Its not a laboratory that produces practical inventions, but in 1989, Tim-Berners-Lee invented the world wide web.
Tim was an English engenieer with computers in his blood: both his partens worked on the first commercial computer made in Britain, the Ferranti Mark 1.In 1980 Tim got a jod at CERN for six months,and during this time he wrote a program called "Enquire Within".
This name comes from a popular Brithis book that was first published in 1856. The book is full of advice and information on all sorts of different topics-from how to clean rom a shirt to how to get married. The Enquire Within was new because it used hypertext, that is a special type of text that is intended to give more freedom to the reader, and contained links to music, other pages..etc.
The world wide web are bilions of documents that are in the internet.

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